Added 3D render for shirt and dress modes. Spit-shine and polish, CSS improvements and some minor typos corrected by "Myumi Kalinowski".

May 24, 2014: Still alive! Fixed a bug causing drawing to get stuck in several browsers.

June 30, 2013: Support for pro patterns (both import and export), added pixel grid, added zoom buttons, added offline version download link in FAQ, added a selection box with 4 different image conversion optimizers.June 29, 2013: Loading QR code images now works, added an empty default pattern, removed old preset patterns (they were used without permission), added preliminary support for converting images to patterns (pretty low quality, but it works), improved the colors (now actual colors as they are in-game).June 28, 2013: Firefox support, creator copy/paste buttons, loading ACNL files.June 25, 2013: Pattern editing (drawing), palette editing, title/creator/town and all related ID editing.June 24, 2013: First working version, QR code generation.